Major changes. I have no idea what it means, but things with Katie and Charlotte have taken a bizarre and unexpected turn.
They broke up.
I got my first real hint of how bad things were the other night as I lay in bed. My bedroom is next to Katie's, we share a wall. It's frustrating to lay in bed, my cock caged and useless, knowing those two are on the other side fucking. On rare occasions I've even heard them, they can be sort of loud at times. "oh... oh... yes, fuck me babe... right there... harder... oh god it's cumming... yes, push your finger... oooaaaaahhhhh".

Yeah, like that. Well that night it was quiet but then I heard raised voices. At first I couldn't understand anything, but then I caught little bits here and there.
"Your stupid job... gone all the time..."
"... flirting with the bitch at Nordstrom's... want to move in!!!"
"... why don't you just.... if you love fucking men so much..."
And so on. I heard my name a couple of times from Katie. She really fucking hates me. She makes my name sound like a swear word.
The next night I was supposed to be at Katie's and I went over at 6pm, undressed in front of her door and rang the bell. That's the routine. Every once in a while someone will catch me naked outside her door but so far nothing has come of it. This time she didn't answer. She wasn't home.

Terrified of punishment if I didn't service her place, I stayed out there for half an hour, naked.
I swear someone was going to call the cops on me, but her entry can't be seen from the street-- I scrunched against the door and got down low on my hands and knees so no one could see me.
So yeah. I spent a half hour on all fours outside her house trying not to be seen. I finally gave up and figured I would take whatever punishment she'd deal out.
I slipped on my clothes and headed back to my condo, which is only a few steps away.
Katie came home late that night, but I never heard from her.
My next time serving was to be at Charlotte's, a Saturday at her place.
I parked, went up to her house and stripped and rang the bell. Stripping outside at her place isn't an issue because her house is on an acre lot with trees and bushes in front. It's pretty isolated.
Charlotte answered and let me in, but instead of putting me to work she had me kneel in front of her with my knees spread while she talked to me and explained.
"Katie and I have broken up. The reasons why are none of your business and any reference to her or to my past relationship with her will be punished painfully. You are no longer to service her or her apartment. You are mine now."
I looked at her in surprise. "Yours?"
"Yes. I bought you. Paid her. She has released all claims on you and I am your sole mistress. From this moment onward, I you will serve me only."
"But... " I just had to ask. "How much did you pay?"

She slapped me.
I hate being slapped. It hurts. I mean, people don't realize just how bad it can hurt. My head goes weird and I get dizzy, and my face feels like it's on fire.
And she slapped me several times.
"It soooooo does not matter what I paid. That is none of your business. What is important is that I own you now. Me. Just me. You obey me and no one else. Got that?"
"Yes... mistress... " I managed to get out. I was working my jaw. It was OK, though for a moment I thought she'd dislocated it.
She was not in a good mood, any more than Katie had been for the last several weeks. Avoid lesbian drama. Except in my case, I can't. I have to show up, do the work, let her inspect and milk me on schedule, service her as she pleases. And let her take out her misery on me.
I couldn't do anything right that day. I smelled. She said I didn't dry off the counters after washing them. I had used the wrong cleaner on the wood tables. I was ugly.

For each transgression I was punished, of course. Anything from a hard slap to a full on punch to my balls. Charlotte is damn good at that.
After I vacuumed the house she told me to take a break. "Come sit on the couch. I've been too hard on you."
I sat. She came over and sat on my lap. I was wary. I was right to be wary. She told me she had checked my vacuuming and that I had failed miserably, *punch in the balls* because I had gone over them too quickly *punch in the balls* and had not done the hardwood floors *punch in the balls*.
At the end of the day she decided to wrap up her torture by crushing my testicles.
"Get in here. Lay down on the bed," she ordered. When I lay on the bed she came over and gently removed my chastity. My cock sprang to life immediately, of course. But I have learned better than to hope for any sexual activity. That happened on rare occasions, but most of the time she just had some new form of cruelty waiting.

Two pieces of plastic, thick, with bolts and butterfly nuts that she could tighten. She strapped my arms and legs spread eagle on the bed, "for your own protection". The plastic pieces fitted over my ball sack. I actually started begging her for mercy before she began tightening the thing, but that was a mistake. I think it just made her angrier and tightened it faster.
It took a while. It very slowly tightened on my poor balls, smashing them tighter and tighter. At first they felt fine, then I could tell they were flattening but weren't hurting. Then I felt the first twinges, aching. I played it up, moaning and groaning so she would think she was hurting me already and might go easy.
Didn't work. She knew exactly how flat she wanted my balls and kept going.
I also think she could tell when it really started to hurt, as opposed to my initial moaning and groaning. My begging got real and I sensed a desperation in my voice when the pain got so bad it spread through my thighs and stomach.
"Maybe I will stop when you throw up. Or when your balls are only five millimeters thick."
Holy fuck. Five millimeters is like.... nothing!
"Please, please Charlotte! I will learn I will clean the floors with my tongue, I will eat your shit! Anything just... don't! They will pop! They will burst, ohgodohgodOHGOD"
She was cranking it down harder.

"I'll take it off when you cum," she finally said. I couldn't see, I didn't know how tightly she had smashed my poor balls but I know they were aching like she had kicked me five times in a row, hard, and was still doing it.
She sat with me as I writhed in pain, bouncing and hurting, and began rubbing my cock.
The pain mixed with the pleasure and she kept going. The ache didn't go away, but it seemed to sort of... fade in importance. I was still in a lot of pain but she was jacking me expertly, and alternating her hand and a vibrator.

My semen shot out after a few minutes and I had one of the most intense orgasms I have ever had. In retrospect I honestly think the crushed balls had something to do with it. My endorphins were pumping, my adrenaline surging, or something.
When my cum was over she began undoing the butterfly nuts. It took forever, slowly relieving the pressure and it didn't feel any better as the blood came back in. It felt worse. I wailed and cried real tears until the device came off.
I hope this doesn't become a trend. Now Charlotte knows I can cum while in pain, rather severe pain at that, she might only allow it that way.
Another thing changed. She didn't let me go home that night.
"No, there is no reason for you to go home. You will stay here tonight, spend the night with me and continue working tomorrow. There's brush in the back yard that needs to be cleaned up."
"But, Charlotte, I always go home, I am allowed to live my life--"
"Things are changing Lenny. Katie is no longer involved and you need to get used to serving me the way I want to be served. Go fix dinner. I want pork chops with an apple sauce tonight."
"Yes... "
After we had dinner and I cleaned up she demanded servicing.

"Give me an orgasm, Lenny. I am bored and haven't had a good cum in over a week. Make it a good one."
She was still in a terrible mood. I knelt before her and ate her as best I could. Damn, I love her pussy and every second my tongue is in it feels special.
But she was still pissed off and decided to flog and whip me as I serviced her cunt. It would only end when I made her cum. So I had another fifteen minute flogging and my back was on fire when she finally came.
I think knowing she was hurting me while I ate her aroused her even more and made it easier to cum.

That night I slept over at her place, but not in her bed. I slept on the floor next to her bed.
My wrists and ankles were tied and I didn't get much sleep.
This was the first time I've been forced to sleep on the floor. Somehow I think it won't be the last.
All your writing I really like Thank you!!!!! (you are a wonderful woman!)