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Disobedience and Punishment

Things are getting worse.

Maddie has been all over me the last few days, trying to get me to go out, see her, let her come over, whatever. Like, she'd pretty much gotten it into her head we were an item, maybe even that she was my girlfriend.

I would never consider Maddie my girlfriend. She was a good fuck, but just not up to my looks standards. Yeah, she was nice to be around at times, good company, but really... her face is nowhere near as nice as her body.

Putting her off was a chore and finally she blew up at me, asked me if I was simply blowing her off and wasn't going to see her again. I have to admit, I would have kept seeing her but with Katie my keyholder, there was no way it would work. So I told Maddie no, we weren't going to be seeing each other any more.

She slapped me and stormed out.

So that's over, I guess.

For the last several days I have been going over to Katie's after work. She insists I remove my clothes as soon as I get into her condo, and she inspects my genitals. Like, actually looks at my cage and balls and makes sure everything is in order. Her hand fondles my scrotum, prods and pulls on the chastity device, sometimes hard enough to make my balls ache a bit.

It's humiliating! I've never realized how naked I feel, how vulnerable and helpless, until I allowed Katie to inspect my genitals as if I were cattle or something. It's been happening every day for the last four days and I haven't gotten used to it yet.

It's been almost two weeks since I have had an orgasm. The last time I went without coming that long I think I was... 12 or something. When I really started masturbating regularly.

I couldn't stand it any more and two nights ago I started working at the chastity device, trying to get out. Yeah, I knew I would get into trouble with Katie if she found out, but I was going insane. I mean, sex is the only thing I could think about. I've been sitting at my desk at work dreaming about my keyholder, Katie. Thinking about how my cock is under her control. Realizing that little fantasy of mine has come true. Realizing how different it is in real life. Wishing I could just get an erection!

I worked on the cock cage the other night, prepping myself to pull and prod and yank my genitals into weird shapes. I know now how guys get them off; just pull the cock straight back, sliding it out of the cage. The ring around the balls can stay on, you just need to get the cock out of the cage. If you are completely flaccid, it should work. My cock can be really soft, and it's flexible and can be pulled out.

Well, it was harder than I thought. For many guys, I totally believe it would be simple. Just a yank and you are free. My cock is long. Even flaccid it is pretty long. So getting it out was really a pain. Plus, the process of pulling and stretching and bending my cock gave me a hardon, you know? When that happened, I had to wait for it to get flaccid before I even tried again.

Eventually I realized I needed to use ice to keep my cock flaccid. That worked. After about 10 minutes of working it and bending my cock and worrying I would get stuck in some weird position with my cock folded over like a piece of paper, I got it out.


Yeah, it hurt, like, a lot, but I did it. After I got it out I realized I should have used lube or something, it would have been easier. I'm dumb. Hell, I am dumb for getting into this situation!

I masturbated right away. My hand went around my cock, which got hard in about 30 seconds, and began stroking. Strangely enough, I masturbated thinking of Katie. Katie standing over me. Katie hurting my balls while she examined me. Katie locking me up again. Weird thoughts, but I came right away.

Afterward I realized the device was still on; it was wrapped around my balls. That part was on really tightly. I tried pulling it off but holy fuck, it hurt my balls. I mean, it was like trying to shove my balls through a meat grinder. I couldn't do it, I think it would have really crushed my balls to try.

So there I am with my cock hanging out and free, but the device still secured to my balls. What do I do?

Masturbate again, of course. God, I was horny after being celibate for two weeks. I produced a lot more cum, too. Buckets of semen.

After pleasuring myself a third time I went to bed. The chastity device was still on, and it was still dangling there the next morning. It created an even worse bulge than normal when I got dressed.

Getting my cock back in was worse than taking it out. Yeah, I actually got it back in, but I had to literally fold my flaccid cock in half and ram it in. Lots of lube helped, there is no fucking way it would have gone back in without lube.

I had determined I could get my cock out of the device, but it was still stuck on my balls. I wondered if I should try and get it off my balls, but the time I tried it felt like I would truly do some damage if I tried. I decided to wait.

The next day at work I felt a bit better, cheerful even, and that evening I showed up at Katie's as directed.

She admitted me and reminded me to remove my clothes.

After stripping I stood naked before her. Good god it is still embarrassing to do that! Forced to strip and let a girl examine me. I think I actually blushed. Normally that's exactly what I want-- get naked with girl. But when the girl isn't naked and I am standing there exposed... it is really different.

She did examine me, too, and found a problem.

"There's lube all over your cock and the device's sheath!" She said angrily.

I looked as innocent as I could, but it was hard to do when she slapped me. "You pulled it out, didn't you? And then to get it back in you used a ton of lube and hoped I wouldn't notice!"

"No, Katie, I didn't remove it. I mean..."

"What is this, huh?" She held up fingers sticky with the lube residue. "You are lying about it now?"

The bitch guided me into her bedroom. Just being in there got me going. This is where I had seen Katie and Charlotte fucking each other, more than once. I could just imagine them scissoring with that double dong up inside each of their--

And Katie shoved me onto my knees and bent over the bed.

"You need a bit of discipline, Len. I had hoped we wouldn't need this for a while yet, but it seems we have to start out hard."

It was a strap. Perhaps part of a belt or something, it was flexible and made of leather, but was heavy. And she whacked my ass with it.

Oh my god it hurt. My parents had spanked me when I was little, but I had forgotten, totally forgotten just how bad it could hurt. And with that strap, it was like, ten times worse than a spanking with a hand.

"Oh! FUCK! Katie, don't..." I managed to get out a few words before she hit me again, and again. The stinging was bad, and just built on itself as strike after strike hit my ass.

"No, Katie! Look, I was bad, I broke the rules, I kn.... OWWWW... fuck, I know, I won't do it... FUCK... owowowowow.... please, I can--"

"Shut. Up." Katie said as she whacked me again. My hands had gone back to my ass, trying to cover it. I remembered doing it when I was little, too, and it felt like my mom was spanking me and I was trying to stop it. Katie had to keep shoving my hands away and she finally stopped.

"This isn't working, Len-nie. Stand up, get over here."

I stood. She cuffed my hands with some handcuffs then slipped a leash up and through a hook in the ceiling that must have been there for a hanging plant at one time. She pulled, lifting my arms into the air, until they were stretched out and I was unable to get away. She tied off the end of the dog leash and looked with satisfaction.

"You look good all strung up, ready for your punishment," she said coolly.

"Fuck it, Katie, you can't--"

"Oh but I can. You are mine, remember? You deserve this."

She started whacking me again. I felt so foolish, hanging there. She had a paddle this time. Something flat and wide. I think the belt she had used hurt worse than this, but this hurt a bigger area.

I hadn't even thought to count or see how many strokes she gave me, it just seemed to last a long time. The more she paddled me, the worse it felt. It's like the pain grew and compounded over time. My mom used to give me one, maybe two swats. Three if I was really bad. Katie must have hit me 20, 30 times before she stopped.

"OK, Len. You get the idea?" She said when she finished. "That device stays on unless I take it off, right?"

"Yes, ma'am." I grunted out. I was pissed off, angry, but there was nothing I could do and my ass was burning now like it was on fire.

She let my wrists down then and unhooked the leash, but left me in the cuffs.

My ass burned.

I hated being naked while she was clothed. I stood before her with my head down, hands cuffed in front of me, waiting for her command.

"Today I want you to clean the toilets. You can do it with your hands restrained. There's cleaning materials in the cupboard there. Make sure you do a good job. Any part I don't like I will make you redo it with your tongue, so make sure it is as clean as you can get it."

She went into the kitchen and began making dinner. I went into the bathroom and began cleaning.

I figured she would make good on her warning, so I cleaned the toilet better than any toilet ever cleaned. I used disinfectant, bleach, double washed it. She'd either be happy or would make me lick it, and I wanted it clean if I had to lick it.

She has two bathrooms and I did the second one just as the first.

I could get used to this. Yeah, I was naked in some woman's house cleaning her toilets, but it's better than being in prison as some thug's boy toy.

Sure enough, when I was done she came to examine the toilets.

"It looks... OK. But I am not sure. There, see that spot. Lick it. I want you to lick that off. You missed that spot."

Knowing I had cleaned that toilet like no other toilet I leaned over and licked. I won't lie. It was awful. The toilet was disinfected and probably cleaner than my dishes at home, but hell, putting my tongue on it was against every instinct I had.

But I did it. I licked.

"I guess that's clean. Let's go check the other one. Come along."

We went to the other bathroom, the one attached to the master bedroom.

"This is where I pee," she said. "Did you get it clean?"

"Yes, Katie, I got it clean. Cleaner than it's ever been, you bitch," I said. The last two words were under my breath-- but she heard them and grabbed my head and shoved it down toward the toilet.

"What was that I heard? Did you actually call me a bitch? Lick that toilet bowl, little man, because you have it backward. You are my bitch."

My head went into the toilet and into the water. It's what used to be called a swirly, you know? Kids would do it to be mean and bully in intermediate school. It had never happened to me.

She shoved my face into the water, which was more or less clean because the bowl was clean, even so I was surprised and disgusted and actually inhaled a bit of water. I coughed and choked and tried to raise my head but couldn't, she was pushing down on it.

I thought I was going to drown but she finally let me up, gasping.

"You ever call me a bitch again and I will make you drink that toilet water, get it?"

"Yes," I said, coughing. "I get it."

"Good. Get your clothes on and get out of here. You make me sick to look at."

I got my clothes on and returned to my condo. As I left I took a look at Katie.

Fuck, she is gorgeous. Even when she is angry. Maybe even more when she is angry.

I mean, that evening was painful and humiliating, but just being around that woman turns me on. I just wish... I wish I could have an erection and masturbate to the thought of her. Maybe if I can figure out a way... not the way I did before. Maybe pick the lock or something.

Or better yet, maybe actually get inside her sometime. I mean, if she ever lets me out of this cage, I might just do it, whether she likes it or not. Fuck her, I mean.

Damn, I am getting an erection inside this cage. Need to take a cold shower and think about marines.


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