Life has gone down the tubes.

In some ways, this is what I have been dreaming of, it is my fantasy. The reality is so, so different.
After Katie confronted me with my indiscretions and forced me to expose my chastity-locked genitals, she decided she would keep the key. I went home and cried.
Laying in bed that night I thought about where I was. I had played with little things before. Clothespins on my nipples. A dildo in the ass. Wearing a chastity device. All represented fantasies of mine, things I wish could happen.
Most of all I had wished, dreamed, that Katie would be my keyholder, so much so that I actually lied to her and got her to play that role. But ultimately, I've been in control, for the most part.
Now she is in control. Technically, my fantasy had come true. My gorgeous next door neighbor now holds the key to my chastity and is going to determine when it can come off.
The reality is just so different than the fantasy.
The next day I went to work. The shock of what had happened must have come through because Maddie asked me what was wrong. I said nothing was wrong, of course, what else could I say? She asked if she could come over that evening, I had to say no. She pushed-- clearly something was wrong. I pushed back and we had a small fight. She stormed off.
Work was good because once I got going it distracted me from my genital captivity. As the afternoon wore on I got more and more nervous; I was going to have to go home. Best case scenario, I would simply go home and cope with being in chastity. Worst case the police would be there to arrest me.

The reality was middle of the road, but quite a rough road it was.
I got home and as I was unlocking the door Katie came up to me.
"Come to my place," she ordered. It was clear she wasn't asking. I followed her over and entered. Charlotte wasn't there, thank goodness. She's a bitch and a bad influence on Katie.
Closing the door, Katie turned to me and ordered, "Get undressed. Completely."
"No, Katie, please. Look, I don't know--"
"Just do it."
I stripped, folding my clothes neatly, until I was completely naked. Socks, shoes, everything was gone. I stood with my hands folded in front of my genitals. The feeling of being completely naked in front of a woman who is dressed is humiliating. I mean, how many women have I been naked with? A dozen? I loved those times. This time sucked, I wanted to crawl under a rock and hide my private parts.
"From now on, whenever you enter my home, you will strip. That's a rule. Do you understand?" Katie was drinking a beer, and eyeing me up and down.
I looked at her with amazement. Where was all this going? I thought she was going to just keep me in chastity for a few days as a lesson. Did she have something else in mind?
"Katie, I... uh, I don't understand. Am I supposed--"
"You will report to this house every evening after work. If I am not home yet, you will wait patiently outside my door. When you enter, you will strip."
This blew me away. She was going to make me come over... and strip for her... every night? In one way it was sort of hot. Going over to Katie's and getting naked was not the worst thing in the world. But the whole thing seemed to strange.

Katie reached down and grabbed my balls, lifting and twisting them. I grunted in pain.
"Oh, my god, that hurts, Katie, please don't"
"Fuck you, Len. I am going to do whatever I want to you. I am checking to make sure this chastity device is not something you can take off. I've done some research and apparently a lot of them can be removed without the key."
She pulled and yanked and twisted and pried the device. She tried to pull my cock out of the sheath and actually got further than I had, but was stopped at the same thing-- my flaccid cock is rather long and it was going to be very difficult to pull out of the sheath. It might be done, but would be painful.
And yet, right at that moment, the most gorgeous woman I knew had her hand on my genitals, and it was an incredible feeling. I wanted more of it, even if she was just twisting my balls. It was a weird feeling.
"I'm not satisfied with this," Katie grumbled. "It will do for now though. If I discover you've attempted to tamper with this in any way, I will inform Maddie of your taking a video of you two fucking."
"NO! Please, fine, I won't tamper with it. Katie, how long are you going to punish me?"
"Well here's the deal, Len. I've looked up the laws that you've broken. The average sentences for your transgressions total to just over two years. Then some probation time; and of course you would be a registered sex offender for the rest of your life."

My heart was beating hard, some because of my balls aching, some because Katie looked so gorgeous in jeans, but mostly because she had my balls in her metaphorical vice. I didn't want to go to jail, and being a registered sex offender would ruin my life.
"So basically, I am going to offer you a deal, which I think is a pretty good one. You will be my plaything, my slave for the next two years. You get to keep your job and friends and condo. You get to avoid being a registered sex offender under court supervision. But you get to come over and clean my house and service me in any way I like for the next two years."
This was going too far. She couldn't get away with this.
"No, Katie. I am not going to do that. Please, just give me the key, I will move, get out of town, you never have to see me again. Just don't try to blackmail me."
Katie looked gorgeous and incredibly determined. "Fuck you, Len. You don't grasp just what a terrible position you are in! I have you by the balls, and you are going to stay locked up and unable to do any more damage to any more girls with your perversions. I am going to make you grovel and you will lick the floor clean with your tongue, and there is nothing you can do about it because I will throw your sorry ass in jail if you don't eat my shit when I say so!!!"
I was seeing red. I also saw the key. It was on a chain, hanging between her gorgeous breasts. I could almost see it. It was within reach.
Lunging for her, I made a grab for the key. For a moment, Katie looked terrified. It emboldened me. My body slammed into hers, pushing her back against the wall. She flailed ineffectually, trying to fend me off but it didn't work. Instead she fell to the floor. I got on top of her, straddling her, and started pulling her top off trying to get to the key.
At that moment the universe exploded in stars and I found myself on the floor staring at the ceiling. My head was pounding, the world was slowly turning, and I couldn't get up. I heard voices.
"He's coming round."
I grunted and tried to roll and get up. The world kept going around but I managed to get to my feet. Charlotte was there. It began to sink in. Charlotte had been there all along, and when I was on top of Katie she had come up behind me and whacked me in the head.
Anger flushed my body and in spite of how stable I was, I moved toward Charlotte.
She kicked me in the balls.
The pain shot through my body like something had exploded. Not sure I had ever felt pain that bad before. My legs gave way and I fell to my knees, then hands and knees.

Keeping the contents of my stomach down was all I could think about for the next couple of minutes. The pain was so bad I knew I was going to barf any minute. I moaned, and said something to the effect of "you bitch..."
Wrong thing to say. Charlotte kicked me in the side. I could hear Katie in the background, saying something like, "no marks, Char..." but she kicked me again. I rolled onto my back with my knees up, moaning, aching in my head, side, stomach and groin.
Charlotte straddled me like I had straddled Katie a little while before.

"Get this through your head, you bastard. You are ours. You are Katie's. She will do anything to you she wishes or I will come over and castrate you, and then we will call the police and have you locked up for the next 10 years."
With each sentence she punched my balls with her fist. I tried to get up and she just pushed my face and forced me back down and kept punching me. The pain got so bad I threw up a little onto myself.
At some point I began begging. I don't remember deciding to beg, but I did. I begged her to stop. I should have been able to overwhelm her; I am a guy, she's a girl, but... I couldn't. Maybe it was the amount of pain I was in, or maybe it was just that Charlotte knew how to take control and not let anything get the best of her.
She finally stopped.
I was curled up on the floor, on my side in a fetal position, trying to protect my balls.
Katie put a mobile phone in front of my face. "Watch this, bastard."
It was a short video. It showed a naked me, from the side and slightly behind, attacking Katie, pushing her against a wall and then to the floor, and finally trying to rip her top off.

When it was done the video played again. From the camera and the expression on Katie's face, it really looked like I was assaulting her.
"Now we have you on assault and attempted rape charges, Len. Add another 5-10 years."
I lay curled on the floor, covering my pathetic genitals, watching the video of me attacking Katie.
"It didn't happen that way," I managed to squeak out. "I was just trying to get the key back."
"No. I was here, and took the video. You barged into her condo, stark naked, and tried to get her to have sex with you. She refused, afraid, and you attacked. Luckily, I was here to watch and get the video, then rescued her when you attacked. That's what happened. That's what the police will be told. That's what will put you in prison for another five years, minimum. Got the picture now, pervert?"
I managed to get to my knees. I was defeated. Utterly. They had me. They had evidence of me invading Katie's condo and taping their sex, of involving Katie in my little chastity fantasy, of secretly taping my sex with Maddie, and now what appeared to be a violent sexual attack on Katie.
"Bow your head." Charlotte was standing over me. Katie was with her and I caught a glimpse of a grin on that beautiful face before I bowed my head before them.

Charlotte reached out with one foot toward my genitals and I winced, expecting my sensitive balls to be kicked again. Instead she merely played with them, lifting and dropping my locked up cock with her toes.
It still hurt; my balls were throbbing from the kicks before. To tell you the truth, I think she damaged them.
"What shall we start him with?" Katie asked Charlotte.
"Make him clean the floor."
"Sounds good to me. It needs a vacuuming."
"No. With his tongue," Charlotte said. I was crying at this point, tears running down the front of my face.
"What? My tongue... I can't..." Charlotte's boot hovered dangerously close and I nodded. "OK, OK. All right. My tongue."
I leaned down and began licking.

The two of them made fun of me as I crawled around on all fours, licking. They forced me to redo some areas, grabbing my head and jamming my face down. Other times they played with my balls, which were dangling exposed under my ass as I crawled around.
The floor was disgusting, by the way. It had different flavors that would just... pop up from place to place and I honestly didn't want to think about what they were.
Do you have any idea how long it takes to lick an entire living room floor clean? Even Charlotte got bored after a while and told me to stop. I think I made it through about 10% of the floor.
"Get your clothes back on. Get out of here. Report back tomorrow at 6:30 for inspection and further duties."
That was last night. I took today off from work, my balls and stomach were still aching, my head has been pounding (she hit me really hard), and... I can't face Maddie.
I guess I have become Katie's indentured servant for two years. God, I wish I could get this chastity device off. I am going to try, regardless of how much it hurts.