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Controlled Masturbation Ritual

I've sort of settled into a routine with those two lesbians. It isn't great, but I have accepted my fate. I am not in prison, I still have my job, and some day I will figure out a way to get out of this. Worst case scenario, after a year or so their blackmail material will get old, stale, and I don't think they will be able to use it. If the use it, the question will come up as to why they hung on to it so long, and they will end up getting arrested and charged with blackmail and who knows what else.

And I've started having orgasms again! I think I went almost six weeks without one, but once Charlotte stepped in and said I needed my balls drained periodically, they've been at least allowing me to cum every once in a while. It's under their control, but something is better than nothing.

Katie hates doing it. She hates men in general, I am convinced, and doesn't like touching my cock. But she won't let me touch my cock at all, so that means she has to do it. She's settled on a ritual for it.

We schedule a time, a specific time in the week for my orgasm. Usually it is on a Monday evening. A few times I have pissed her off by talking back or doing a sloppy job working for her or showing up late. When that happens she refuses to allow me to cum, postponing the event for a few days. Needless to say, I do my best not to piss her off.

I hate to admit it, but Charlotte has pointed out that this whole process has made me more docile and cooperative, which is true. Knowing Katie will jack me off if I do well is an incentive. So I try to cooperate more.

So on Monday night I show up and strip for her, like every night. Katie inspects me in general, my cage and genitals in detail. She's looking for signs the cage has been removed, as well as generally evaluating if I have taken care of myself.

If she's had a bad day, the inspection is rough and hurts. She yanks or twists, usually hard enough to make me grunt. Sometimes I can tell she actually wants to make me hurt and grunt, so I have gotten into the habit of just grunting in pain whenever she twists or jerks my balls, whether it hurts or not.

When inspection is over I work, doing whatever it is she wants done. Cooking, cleaning, serving her and Charlotte, whatever.

At 8:30 she tells me it is time. By this time my cock is always bulging in my cock cage, painfully. She unlocks my cage, making fun of my cock and the way it bulges. She says my cock it tiny-- I know it isn't, I am actually larger than normal, especially longer, but she likes to humiliate me.

I am then washed, partly because she is a clean freak and doesn't want to masturbate me without having cleaned my genitals. The other is that Charlotte and she determined that I should have one good genital cleaning a week while I am locked up. Proper slave care, you know.

She doesn't trust or want me me to wash myself. We go into the bathroom and she will soap me up and begin washing me. My cock is always rock hard by then and Katie hates handling it, but she does it carefully. Her greatest fear is that she was inadvertently cause me to ejaculate while she is washing me. She makes sure I am clean, but won't do any more touching than is necessary.

Afterward she actually tells me to put some Purell on my cock to sanitize it.

Katie then announces I should assume the position, which is on all fours, legs spread at a 45 degree angle. She demands the precise angle of my legs, and will slap my balls if she doesn't think I am doing it right. I hate this part, it makes me feel like an animal and my balls are always aching for an hour afterward.

I wait in this position for Katie to get plate or something under me, though the last couple of times she's used a bucket. That's to catch my ejaculate. Katie then kneels or sits next to me and starts milking my cock like a cow's tit.

The first time she did it this way it took a long time for me to cum because it was so humiliating and distracting. Still, this is Katie giving me a hand job. Katie is maybe the best looking girl I know and just to have her jerk me off is incredible. After that first time it got a lot easier to just let her stimulate my cock until my body convulses and pushes the semen out.

She also times it. I mean, the process of how long it take me to ejaculate. I am not sure why, but she always starts a timer just before she starts jerking me, and turned it off when the semen comes spurting out. I swear, if she didn't hate semen so much, she's weigh or measure how much I produce.

When it's over, she instructs me to clean out the bucket and sanitize it, as well as washing my genitals and sanitizing them. She also washes her hands and uses alcohol to sanitize them. Needless to say, she hates sperm and wants no sign or possible remnant in her condo.

Here's the hard part about the whole thing. Katie clearly believes that me ejaculating is disgusting and awful, and deserving of punishment. So even though she demands it and actually is the one that makes me ejaculate, she punishes me.

So, every Monday she cleans me, jerks me off into a bucket, and then spanks me.

Did I say spank? No, she whips me. She has a strap, a short belt or something. She makes me lean over a chair in a very specific position. Legs together, ass up.

Then I get a dozen of the best. It hurts like hell. Stings the first couple of strokes, but then burns like my ass is on fire and gets worse the more she hits me. I try to stay quiet, I don't want to reward or encourage her but I can't help but grunt and even cry out in pain.

All the while Katie tells me how disgusting I am. How humiliated I should be for displaying my body functions before her, for not having enough control that she has to control me and relieve my urges once a week. She threatens to never let me cum again. She describes how hideous my body is, how pathetic my cock and balls.

After a dozen, she sends me home. She throws me out of her condo without letting me get dressed and I run to my front door hoping no one will see me and my pathetic genitals, all locked up.

In the end, the joke's on her, though. In spite of her cruelty and control I have discovered something.

I can have an orgasm and cum while in the chastity cage! Hahaha! I discovered if I use a vibrator on the cage, my cock will swell inside it (which can be damn painful, and eventually I cum.

This was discovered one night when I was cleaning Katie's house but she wasn't there. I found one of her vibrators (she has a whole collection of toys she uses with Charlotte) and I tried it out, just to see what it was like.

God, it felt good, and I held it against my cock and balls. The vibration hurt my balls just a bit but I found I actually enjoyed that, and my cock was swelling and bulging and it all got rather painful, but I was so damn desperate and suddenly I felt it, and the sperm just came shooting out!

I bought my own vibrator that very night. While I don't do myself that often, because it is painful, I can and do have orgasms without that bitch all the time. I mean, Katie is gorgeous and having her jerk me is a dream, even with the weird ritual, but... it is so good to get some relief when I need it, by myself.

She'll never find out, either, because I never take off the cage.


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