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Well I know now why Charlotte's been in a crappy mood recently. She and Katie have been arguing.

They've kept it away from me for the most part, but I've noticed that when I am at Katie's cleaning and cooking, Charlotte is not often there. When I am at Charlotte's, Katie is never there.

They've still been going out on weekends, but have not allowed (or forced) me to watched them fuck.

It's a relief actually, not being forced to watch them. I mean, it would be a dream for some guys, but being strapped immobile to a chair, unable to touch my cock and not even wanting it to get hard (cause it hurts), and watch two incredibly hot lesbians fuck in every way imaginable... well, there are some parts that are good but my frustration levels go through the roof.

One night I actually went home after and curled up in bed and cried. I'm a grown man and I don't cry, but I have. The frustration and desperation I feel at times serving those women, kept in chastity, being afraid of punishment, the stress just gets to me. Katie and Charlotte are the best looking women I have ever been with, and to watch them go at it, and be teased by it, it's miserable.

It is more than a tease. It is torture, and they know it. It's torture to be locked away and slowly lose my interest in sex because my cock has basically been taken from me, made non-functional unless they decide to bring it out.

Once I realized they were fighting, I sort of began to have some more hope. Like, maybe they wouldn't gang up on me. Or maybe be nicer.

Or maybe they might actually let me go. Give me the key, let me unlock myself and live a normal life again. Katie still has the key, she wears that around her neck where it nestles between her breasts.

She's a lawyer, you know. I sometimes wonder how she can wear a piece of jewelry around her neck that is a set of keys, but she gets away with it. Maybe because she wears such nice gold chains with it, and the keys are small.

So they've been fighting. The first signs was not seeing them together much. The second was when they actually began to argue in front of me. Usually they are incredibly comfortable with each other, like soulmates. It was actually a bit of a shock to see them go at it one night in Katie's kitchen.

I ignored it and kept doing my jobs around the house, hoping one of them wouldn't take it out on me and make me hurt some way. Katie loves to grab and squeeze my testicles, hard. I never thought I would say I dreaded having a woman grab my balls, but I do.

That weekend I was at Charlotte's. She has a sort ranch home, it has extra land around it with an old orange grove with maybe twenty trees, and I was outside, doing work. She makes me do outside work naked too. In fact, the last couple of times I've been at her place she's made me strip at my place and then end up in her trunk as she drove me to her place.

So while I am at Charlotte's, I am literally completely at her mercy. I have nothing there. My house, car, clothes, are all miles away. It actually gives me a feeling of being completely vulnerable. I never thought I would feel more vulnerable than when I was at Katie's on my hands and knees, but shit... being outdoors and leashed at Charlotte's is worse.

After I had done my work outside, Charlotte brought me inside (on a leash, on all fours, another humiliation she has begun).

When she got to the house she said she had a gift for me. I am not naive enough to think it was an actual gift that would benefit me in any way and I was right.

She pulled out a strapon harness, complete with dildo. A nice big one, sort of floppy and soft.

"Katie keeps your damn keys and I want to fuck you, so I got this. Put it on."

My heart leaped and descended all at once. Charlotte had said she wanted to fuck. I wanted to fuck Charlotte so bad my balls ached.

But I was not to be released from chastity. I was to fuck her with an artificial cock. Was this good? Bad? Was being on top of her, thrusting, a good thing even if I couldn't feel a thing? Or would it just be another form of hell, like being forced to watch her fuck Katie?

It didn't matter, Charlotte was the boss and I would do it. She stripped most of her clothes off and drew me in to her, and I kissed her on the lips for the first time. My heart must have been beating at 120. I could fee my artificial cock pressing against her and her wiggling her hips against it, though it wasn't inserted.

Charlotte spread her legs and pulled her knees up, putting her hands on my back. I rubbed my rubber cock against her pussy and kissed her. My stomach was on hers, my chest on her breasts, my mouth on hers.

My cock slipped into her. It was exactly like fucking a real woman except-- I couldn't feel a thing.

That wasn't entirely true. As I began thrusting and matching her motions, I could feel my soft, caged genitals flopping against her ass.

I don't think I'd ever felt as close to castrated as that point. My genitals were just some extra, useless flesh flopping around between my legs as I thrust into Charlotte, trying to make her cum.

She rolled me over so I was on her back. She wanted to control the motion more directly, I couldn't feel anything so I was doing it all by memory. She straddled me, reached back and slipped the rubber cock into her and began sliding up and down. Her naked boobs brushed against me at times, and I found I was enjoying this at the same time as I hated it. I was servicing Charlotte, and holding a gorgeous naked woman to me.

When she came I could feel nothing except how she pressed down against my hips, and watched as her eyes rolled up inside her head briefly.

That was the closest I'd come to fucking a woman in months and you'd think I would be overjoyed. I suppose there was a part of me happy to be on top of (or beneath) Charlotte, feeling her body on mine.

But ultimately, it was the most frustrating thing I could imagine. Fucking Charlotte, but not with my cock. Thrusting with my hips, but feeling nothing but my flaccid cock flopping around. Feeling Charlotte shudder with pleasure as I experienced nothing.

Just, Fuck. I need to just make it to my next milking and I can not screw up because I do not want a penalty and delay.

This was on Saturday.

The next Monday I was over at Katie's for my regularly scheduled time. She was in the worst mood possible. She smashed my balls when inspecting them, and yelled at me when I cleaned her place. She had a whip, not that riding crop but a real whip and kept hitting me with it.

Then came the kicker. Literally.

She was storming around the house, pissed off about something and as she walked by me she kneed me in the groin.

I wasn't expecting it and doubled over immediately.

The pain spread-- she'd got me right in the balls with her knee, hard-- and I felt like I was going to throw up. I fell to the floor on all fours.

She kicked me a couple more times while I was on the floor then went into the bedroom and closed the door. I heard her masturbating while I recovered.

A half hour later she sent me home. She was in a foul mood and docked me three days on my chastity relief. I have to wait until next Saturday now and if things keep going like this maybe not even then.


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Story postings in reading order (oldest first) instead of posting order. Masturbation Self Chastity Keyholder Lesbian Voyeur Break From...

1 Comment

szabo levi
szabo levi
May 29, 2019

...clever turn, I really enjoy sadistic thoughts!!!

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