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Temporary Relief

Updated: Jan 24, 2019

Some relief, but I am not sure if it was worth it or if it is a good thing.

I've been acting basically as Katie's slave for a while now. Six weeks? I come home and immediately go to her place, remove my clothes and stands as she inspects my chastity cage. She pokes and prods and manipulates my genitals, not being especially gentle about it.

She knows it hurts, because she hears me grunt and I think she does it specifically because she knows it hurts. I don't want to feed that in her so I keep as quiet as I can, but sometimes she just squeezes a ball and it hurts.

After she's inspected me and made sure the chastity cage is on securely and hasn't been removed I do work for her. Usually just cleaning the house, sometimes cooking. I've even served dinner to her and Charlotte, who seems to be there about half the time. Those two are in some sort of really torrid love affair.

It isn't just work, either. Katie has a real sadistic streak. At first I thought it was because she was just angry at me for recording her and Charlotte having sex without their knowledge, and maybe for me attacking her (though I was totally justified in that). But no, I think it is because she's just a sadistic bitch. And she's lesbian, the kind that really does not like men. She is nice to them, but her inner bitch comes out when she deals with me. She hates men.

The result? I get punished. Punished for not doing things right. Burning the rice. Not vacuuming the carpet thoroughly. Showing up five minutes late. I swear, sometimes I am punished just because she wants to see me suffer or she's had a bad day.

Usually the punishment is a spanking. I had a couple of those as a kid, and I didn't remember how bad they can be. Or maybe Katie and Charlotte just dole out really severe spankings. Or because they use a leather or wood paddle that hurts like hell.

Sometimes I've had trouble sitting at work the next day because my ass is still burning from a bad spanking.

So the idea of the two of them giving me a bit of relief from the chastity cage came as a surprise.

Charlotte was the one that gave me the relief, actually. One day I was cleaning up and Charlotte came into the kitchen where I was cooking and asked out of the blue, "When was the last time you ejaculated?"

I stood stunned and said, "Uh, well, maybe five weeks ago?"

Charlotte yelled at Katie in the other room. "Hey Katie, I think it's time he released some semen!"

Katie came in with a frown. "What? What the hell you talking about? He gets to keep that cage on specifically so he doesn't cum. Everything I have read says men are more docile when in chastity. Besides, this is part of his punishment."

Charlotte shook her head. "No, no. Men are more docile when controlled, not when completely prevented from ejaculating at all. It's about control, not complete abstinence."

"Well what do you want me to do? Just take it off him?"

"No, we supervise it. Control it. Allow him to ejaculate on our terms, our method, our way, our timing." Charlotte knew what she wanted to do. She's the bisexual one, Katie's lesbian all the way and she'd just as soon cut my cock off as look at it again.

Katie shrugged. "Well you do it then. I don't want to have anything to do with sperm. That's in your area, not mine."

Charlotte let me into the living room and told me to sit on the couch, lean back and spread my legs wide.

I did, rather eager and excited. My cock was bulging in the chastity cage, already demanding to be erect. Charlotte was going to allow me to orgasm! I didn't know quite yet how, but it didn't matter. I hadn't gone this long without an orgasm since I was 12, which is when I began masturbating.

Charlotte got my key from Katie (she wears it on a chain around her neck where it is nestled between her breasts), and sat down next to me, unlocking the cage. Oh my god, it felt good. Fresh air. Release. My cock, open to touching and sensation. Wow. And with Charlotte's fingers touching it. Just.. wow.

My cock sprang up hard instantly. Charlotte laughed and sat next to me, reaching over to take me in her hand. "One orgasm, Lenny, then back in the cage. But you don't get to touch, I do it."

Fine by me. I was getting a hand job from Charlotte, the most gorgeous... well, Katie was the most gorgeous, though Charlotte is close behind... in any case, Charlotte was going to give me a hand job!!! I had never dreamed of this as a possibility! Well, OK, I had dreamed of it actually. A number of times. Her and Katie. Both, separate, whatever. But it was coming true?

I settled in and let Charlotte do her work.

Fuck that girl knows how to stroke a cock. Katie watched as Charlotte took me and began stroking slow. She spit on my cock for lube and kept going.

I was rock hard. I looked at Charlotte as she stroked me, and just seeing that gorgeous woman concentrating on my cock made me want to cum all over her face. I imagined my sticky white body fluid spurting over her eyes and mouth and into her hair.

It had been five weeks since I had ejaculated and my balls were ready. In about a minute I felt the contractions beginning down deep and my hips thrust slightly with the building feeling.

Charlotte kept going, stroking harder, talking to me. "That's it Lenny. Cum for me. Let it out. Let out that sperm for me, jack it out. Do it baby, spurt for me."

Her talking like that encouraged me and the orgasm built quickly. The first contraction that actually produced some semen came, and I was on my way to a fantastic orgasm.

Then she let go.

Just let go of my cock. It bounced around on its own, trying to push out semen, but the stimulation was gone.

Charlotte just watched as my cock spurt out cum all over my stomach, but did nothing. The orgasm was there, but not nearly as intense as it would have been.

The orgasm was ruined.

The sperm had been released from my balls, but the pleasure of the intense orgasm I was expecting just fizzled out.

"What are you doing? What???" I begged, as the last drops of semen dribbled out. "You stopped!"

"Yes, Len. I stopped. I didn't want to get my hand all sticky with your fluids. Now clean yourself up and we will get this cage back on you."

"What the fuck? You can't do that! God dammit!" I barked.

"I just did Len. Now let's get that cock soft so we can get you caged back up."

Katie stepped in. "I can help with that," she said in a serious tone. "You don't swear at my girlfriend and you don't tell us what we can and can't do. You are indentured to us and it is time you remember this."

And with that she took my balls in one hand and punched them. Hard. One, two then three times. I grunted and moaned and curled up and tried to protect them. But the pain was there and my cock had gone soft, just as Katie had intended.

Katie grabbed my legs and forced them apart and Charlotte got my cock cage and shoved my cock into it. It was totally flaccid now, though it had a bit of semen on it and that helped as lube when it slid into the tube.

I was almost in tears as Charlotte tightened the cock cage and made sure it was secure, then as a parting gift gave my balls a hard squeeze.

The whole incident had taken about ten minutes and Katie barked orders at me. "You haven't finished cleaning up after dinner. Go wash that disgusting fluid off your stomach and genitals, and get back in the kitchen, bitch."

I staggered into the bathroom to wash myself, and Charlotte called out. "If you are a really good boy, we'll let you have another cum sometime soon."

I'm not sure if it will be worth it, but I know in my heart if they let me out of the cage again, I will let Charlotte do me again. I'd let Charlotte do anything to me for a chance to cum again.


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