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My life has become more sexual and exciting than I've ever imagined, and in very unexpected ways.

The proposed schedule got thrown off a bit-- I had a date Friday night. A girl named Maddie from the office. She works as a secretary downstairs. She's not that great looking, but is young and has a fantastic body. Which I got to see and handle in all its glory late Friday night after we had a nice dinner and a bit of dancing and a walk along the beach.

I came inside Maddie twice, once on top of her missionary style, and once behind her doggie. She said she likes doggie better than anything else and I was happy to oblige. She slept over and we had breakfast the next morning. I have to figure out how to make sure she doesn't think we are going to be a regular item or anything.

So my stint of chastity didn't start until Sunday Morning (I had planned for Friday evening after work). Katie was out until late Saturday with who I now know is her girlfriend-- Charlotte the badass brunette cutie. Interesting thing-- I don't know if it is because I am just aware now, or if they did something different, but I could hear them through the wall in bed. Not a lot, but just bits here and there. It made me wonder what they were doing. The noises they made weren't whispers or moans (at least I couldn't hear those); they were loud grunts and talking and even a cry out or two, maybe when one of them hit a climax.

I hope no one ever reads this because I am about to confess something here. I snuck around and got a peak in their window. Yeah. Me, a voyeur. I mean, they were right there, making noise in my ear, I couldn't resists! It was tough seeing anything through the window because it was dark, but I could see their bodies through a crack in the curtains. They moved a lot, I know this. Constant.

It was too dark to get photos, but I tried anyway, and it turns out I did get a couple that were somewhat recognizable. One with Katie sitting and Charlotte on top of her legs, kissing her. A couple of others less distinct.

Sunday I went over late in the morning (so I didn't interrupt any morning snuggles). Katie was there alone, I guess Charlotte had gone already.

"Hey, Len. What can I do for you?" Katie is really an incredibly friendly person.

"Um, I hate to ask this, but could you do the same thing we did before? Hold this box? I will pick it up Wednesday after work?"

"Sure, Len, but look, I am a little nervous about this. Charlotte was asking me how did I know there weren't drugs or something in there?"

"Honestly, Katie, it is nothing illegal. Absolutely nothing. It's personal, that's all."

"OK, fine. Wednesday night, then."

I thank her and we made some small talk. She mentioned Charlotte and I asked about the two of them as casually as I could. Apparently they've been dating for a couple of months and it seems serious, at least as serious as a lesbian relationship can be. Katie's apparently gay as hell, but Charlotte is bisexual, and has been with guys before. That makes Katie nervous and she's taking it slow.

My cock was hard as a rock the entire time we talked and I swear, she must have seen it. It was bulging and sticking down my left pants leg.

This time I went back to my condo I masturbated first, dumping a huge load on a table. The chastity device went on after that and when the lock clicked in place, Katie was once again my unwitting keyholder.

Monday Maddie was pissed off I didn't text her or call her over the weekend. Like I had feared she thinks we really hit it off and were going to keep seeing each other. I mean, she's not that bad looking and was great in the sack, so I was maybe going to keep talking to her. But then she started getting closer to me and talking sort of dirty, reminding me of what we had done Friday. She began to run her hands down like she was going to touch me between my legs, which... oh god no, I was wearing my cock cage! It would be humiliating to the extreme if she found out what I was wearing! Fuck no!

I had to shy away from her, turn and get her hands away from me. She took it as a massive rejection, which it wasn't, but she got double pissed off at me, swore at me and started talking about how I better watch myself if I didn't want to be accused of workplace sexual harassment. I did the best I could to defuse the situation but it almost sounded like she was going to make trouble if I didn't see her again.

Monday night Charlotte was over at Katie's again. I couldn't stand it, I got a glass and held it to the wall and listened. It is amazing how much better you can hear when using something so simple. I was able to catch words, bits and pieces, and could tell when they started fucking. Or... whatever it is that lesbians do.

The frustration was over the top. I mean, I was listening to two lesbians fucking each other (and I swear they were really going at it), but couldn't even touch my cock. It got hard, or as hard as it could and I was suffering. It began to really hurt and was bulging from the cracks and edges of the device, but I couldn't stop listening! I mean... shit... I crept around and tried taking pics again but the curtains were completely closed this time.

That's when I decided to get a spy camera.

Yeah, I know. I could get in major trouble about this. It's like, illegal. Well, so was the picture taking outside their window, but I am already into this. I can't stop. So I went to this shop downtown that sells stuff and got a fiber optic camera. The smallest head you can get is still pretty big but it carries the image to a better camera and I figure I can get some good images that way.

The work setting it up helped distract me from my chastity device which I really needed. Having Katie as my keyholder is both exciting and frustrating to the extreme. She's gorgeous and the very thought of her makes me hard; but getting hard is miserable and so I have to train myself not to think about my keyholder. Opening up the wall on my side and finding ways to snake in the camera really occupied some time.

Well, I figured out a great way to do it. I managed to cut a tiny hole in an HVAC duct and then slide the camera down the duct to the register that opens into Katie's bedroom. With a little work I got the camera angled just right pointing at her bed (she doesn't make it, by the way, it was a mess). They will never see it there.

Tuesday I had actually scheduled a time where I would sort of tease myself (as if Katie wasn't enough with what she was doing next door). It was part of the excitement of the chastity, sort of a self torture, even.

There's not much of my cock exposed when I am wearing the sheath, but the end is-- the hole I pee through. My cock actually smashes up against the end and when I get even the least bit aroused it bulges out of this slit. Well, I got the image I had of Katie and Charlotte naked and started masturbating myself. Stroking the very edge, the tip of my cock. It didn't take much-- my cock started trying to get hard and strained against the cock cage and bulged out, even pulling on the rings that clamped on behind my balls, trying to push the sheath out.

It felt fantastic, both the feeling of rubbing the tip and the frustration of not being able to get erect. I stopped after a bit, simply because I could tell I wasn't going to cum and there was just so much I could take.

Wednesday came, and I stopped by Katie's. She gave me the box, asked me again what it was, and I explained it was something I needed to get out of the house. Something that reminded me of my ex. I couldn't bare to part with it, but was trying to train myself to be without it for a while. Bits at a time. It was a totally lame excuse but she bought it. Awwww.... some girls are just so gullible.

Maddie and I are going out on Friday night again. I couldn't avoid it, but maybe I can just sort of begin easing out of the whole relationship.

Though I have to say, when I got the key from Katie on Wednesday I unlocked and removed my cock cage, masturbated thinking of Katie, and then a half hour later masturbated thinking about Maddie. Well, about her body, at least.

She's a great fuck and her body is really nice. And she's young, she makes the most of what assets she has and takes care of herself. Maybe one more time.


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Story postings in reading order (oldest first) instead of posting order. Masturbation Self Chastity Keyholder Lesbian Voyeur Break From...


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